Homes for Rent in the Bakersfield, CA area
managed by Real Property Management Bakersfield
Looking for a home to rent in Kern County, CA? We have homes for rent in Bakersfield, CA, and the surrounding areas. Enter your criteria to view rental properties available for rent. Click on a property that interests you and apply online. We manage hundreds of rental homes but maintain a low vacancy rate. If you don’t find something that fits your needs, contact our office, and we will do our best to assist you.
Summary of Rental Qualifications and Application Process
Required Information – Government issued ID, 2 most recent pay stubs (or 2 years tax returns if self-employed), pet photo taken with applicant (if applicable). Landlord contact info for last 2 years. All adults aged 18+ must apply & pay application fee.
Security Deposits and Admin Fees – Applicants who meet credit and reference criteria may generally be approved at a security deposit of 1 month’s rent.
Common Reasons to be Declined – Evictions, unpaid balances due to landlords, credit score beneath 550, insufficient income, unsatisfactory references, felonies, and recent bankruptcies. Unqualified occupants and/or certain breeds of pets can also be a reason for decline. Utilities in collections (gas, electric, or water). Learn more by reading the Resident Selection Criteria segment of our application.
Applicant understands and agrees, if approved, in addition to rent the following fees will be assessed:
One-time Documentation Fee: $119 – This fee is for the preparation of the lease, lease execution, corresponding documents, and for conducting the move-in inspection providing digital copies with pictures.
Resident Care Plan Fee: $39 per month – This fee is for the enrollment and continued access to the Rental Rewards Piñata program, online portal access and 24/7 maintenance hotline. Additionally, it includes a Rental Insurance Policy that covers a minimum of $15,000 for loss of most personal property, typically due to sudden and accidental loss due to theft, fire, water damage, and the like, a liability policy that covers up to $100,000, and a loss of use policy that covers up to $7,500 in expenses, all underwritten by an A-rated insurance carrier.
How we use your application fee:
Consumer credit report including criminal history and eviction history: $17
Administration processing (time 1.5 hours): $25
Review by senior staff (time 15 minutes): $9
Office supplies required in processing, paper, toner, etc.: $1
Total cost our company: $52
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